Media Across Culture

There have been many improvements in media and with these improvements comes changes across culture. According to Media Literacy: A National Priority for Changing World, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our multi-media culture.  Since the early times radios waking us up giving us the daily news to our  televisions and  computers one sees various things. Even if one does not understand the language it is like the saying a picture has a thousands words, language barrier is not a problem any more. Another thing with media forming across culture is throughout the 20th century, as the rate of technological and cultural change accelerated, young people adopted cultural styles and values radically different and often fundamentally at odds with their parent’s generation according to Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape. Before technology plenty of families would have to learn from their elders to keep the traditions in their families but now a days one does not bother to contact an elder for things like a recipe, they can just google it instead.  This can be a downside that as the generations go by ones culture is going to slowly disappear since there is not such thing as looking up family traditions on the internet. Besides all of this media forming across culture has become a “bumpy road with many setbacks and conflicts” there is good that comes with it according to Does Globalization Mean We Will Become One Culture.  Our “cultural nepotism” makes things like holding doors for people, giving up our seats on trains, or contributing to charities normal since it has become a normal thing to see across media platforms.

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