Connecting Objects to the Internet

There is good and back when it comes to connecting objects to the internet. Today we have smart watches and even a smart home. All of these things are connected to the internet now with a touch of our fingertips we can control our surroundings basically. According As Objects Go Online, “Utilities today provide power and plumbing; these new services would provide safety, comfort, and convenience.” It helps those who are disabled get around with everyday things or one who is away at home look after their things and property.  Another thing it could be is one being lazy to get up to turn on or off the lights, they can just do it through an app on their phone. Although these new technology advances are helping one it is also being a new way of abuse.  According to the Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse article, plenty of woman across America said these technology advances have been used as a form of abuse. One lady said that she had her air condition on next thing she knew that it switched off without her touching it. Plenty of woman have come forward and revealed they had felt they had lost control of their homes. Their abusers hack or gain accesses to their technology and harass them either by looking through the security camera or turning up the speaker to 100.  But if the victim decided to disable or disconnect the device it can cause a big problem since the abuser would be notified that the device is no longer connected to the internet.

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