Media today has become a part of our everyday lives more than any point in time. Media is known by its definition as the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. As stated in the article “Eight traits of the new media landscape” “The technologization of the American home has been an ongoing process across the 20th century. Our family rooms have become home entertainment centers. Our family hearths are now electronic. Media technologies are fully integrated into our everyday social interactions”. This could not be more true we have access to media from the very moment that we wake up. If you have a smart TV or any TV you can reach news stations of all kinds. Now we have smart home devices such as Alexa that can speak news and media out to us upon request. Media has evolved from just televison, radio, and paper back to just about any and every device we have access to. In that article Henry Jenkins uses 8 different points to explain the new media landscape (innovative, convergent, every day, appropriative, networked, global, generational and unequal). Also in the article “Media Literacy: A National Priority For A Changing World” one key section that stood out to me especially in todays media day in age was “Today, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our multi-media culture. From the clock radio that wakes us up in the morning until we fall asleep watching the late night talk show, we are exposed to hundreds — even thousands — of images and ideas not only from television but also from websites, movies, talk radio, magazine covers, e-mail, video games, music, cell phone messages, billboards — and more. Media no longer just shape our culture…they ARE our culture.” The ending of that quote is key because it is 100% true. We have past the point of culture shaping it has come to a point where this is now our culture due to all of the access of devices that we have today.
Mar 18