The world has changed over the last fifteen years. The ways in which we communicate with one another changed as well with what is called a smart phone. These smart phones make hard copies of news obsolete for some people. There are apps for everything whether that be an informative news app such as fox news or social media apps such as Twitter, Facebook , Snapchat , and Instagram. All of which are used in some way or form to INFORM or PROMOTE. We have seen this in our most recent presidential political campaign. WE receive information whether it be directly from the source or through secondary media sources. I can remember throughout the campaign a level of bias from the social media companies in my opinion. I am a republican and there were reports that came out that facebooks algorithms were the reason that only liberal based media was showing up on my feed. I am sure that democrats felt the same way due to the whole Russia Probe (No Collusion) but what was occurring was that Russian companies were buying advertisement space in favor of the republican candidate under their own will which is viewed as tampering with an election. So they were trying to get out more pro Trump media out to the public. In my opinion whether you support Trump or you do not support Trump a foreign country tampering with an American election is highly inappropriate and unacceptable. We have also seen the use of twitter explode by the POTUS. No other president in American history has ever used social media like our current commander in chief . There have been positives but there have also been negatives. I think it could be a very effective way to communicate with your citizens but there were definitely a bunch of occasions as I am sure we all know where way too much was said. The reason I believe it can be a very effective strategy whether it be in political campaigns or just a means of communication to the people you serve is because as the Cell Phones and Social Media article states ” Registered voters of both parties are equally likely to use their phones to keep up with election news, as 25% of Republicans and 29% of Democrats report doing so this campaign season.” Now, this information is from 2014 so with the publicity that our most recent election had you can imagine or assume those numbers would be higher due to the use of twitter and all other social media platforms.
Feb 14