The Internet of Things

In this age, we are starting to see robots and devices starting to take the jobs that humans do. Blogging, for example, is now becoming something that objects can even do. As explained in the reading “Why Things Matter” bloggers are “Participants in a network of exchange, disseminating thoughts, opinions, ideas — making culture — through this particular instrument of connections called the Internet”. On the other hand objects that blog, blogjects, don’t literally blog, but instead “Participate in the whole meaning-making apparatus that is now the social web, and that is becoming the “Internet of Things.” The most peculiar characteristic of Blogjects is that they participate in the exchange of ideas. Blogjects don’t just publish, they circulate conversations”. Blogjects are programmed with tracking and know where they’ve been around the world, can have an assertive voice on social media, and even can embed their encounters and experiences. Similarly explained in the article “As Objects Go Online –The Promise (and Pitfalls) of the Internet of Things”, it’s explained that thanks to technology, small circuits and softwares can be embedded into everyday objects, making lives much easier. For example the author explains “these small computers can send and receive information via the Internet so that a coffeemaker can turn on when a person gets out of bed and turn off when a cup is loaded into a dishwasher… and even the health of the whole planet can be monitored in real time by aggregating the data from all such devices”.  While this all can help our society and simplify our daily lives, there are still ways indivudlas can abuse the power of technology. As mentioned in the article “Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse”, individuals have begun to use smart home tech, as away of control and abuse to their spouse. The article states “Internet-connected locks, speakers, thermostats, lights and cameras that have been marketed as the newest conveniences are now also being used as a means for harassment, monotoring, revenge and control”. This is extremely alarming to know that it’s now easier than ever to be subject to hacking and privacy breeches, especially by those trying to harm others. While it is easy to be sold on these objects and their cool features, it is sort of inviting strangers Into your lives. 

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