Reality television has changed the was in which we communicate and interact. Commercials are a prime example of how businesses interact and connect with consumers. Although we see social media play a huge role in marketing, in a Forbes article, “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between”, by Lori Kozlowski, it’s predicted that traditional t.v isn’t going anywhere. Television has become such an essential part of society, and although streaming services, such as Netflix, have changed the way we watch, that doesn’t mean we still aren’t being marketed to. Product placement in shows and movies, along with specially curated recommendations on Netflix, allow advertisers to follow the patterns of consumers. Additionally, in the NYT article by Kevin Roose “The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here”, it’s explained that cable companies are actually suffering because of this. Roose states that last quarter, almost 1 million Americans canceled their cable subscriptions, while Netflix simultaneously gained new subscribers. Roose goes onto explain that we might even see the same type of cable bundles in the future, only this time they’re made for the internet and its streaming services.
All in all, I predict that the new form of streaming will overrun traditional television in the near future. We no longer have to rely on commercials to learn about new products, or even sit in front of the t.v at a certain time to tune into prime time shows. Cable companies no longer control the way we receive information, but viewers/consumers, in fact, are the ones in control now.