Apps have become apart of our daily lives, without even knowing it. The article “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App”, explains that 86% of our time is spent on IOS & Android Apps, while only 14% is spent on the browser. The article goes on to explain that some web-based services are already finding ways to increase their users by developing apps rather than websites. Similarly, the WIRED article “The Rise of Chat Apps”, explains chat apps help to decrease the personal connectivity that apps like facebook force you to do. These apps like whats app, and snapchat allow us to communicate with each other without having those personal ties such as facebook’s messenger app. With FB messenger, it connects you to personal messages with all of your friends, which can be both a good and bad thing. Great, we can now connect with friends overseas, but not so great you can text and video chat random friends you added just for the numbers. The article goes on to state that if FB wants to compete with the big names chat apps, they need to create something differnt from facebook, an app soely for messaging and no ties to facebooks friends lists.
Another wave of technology similar to the rise of apps includes digital currency. In the article “THE FIERCE BATTLE FOR THE SOUL OF BITCOIN”, the author explains the creation of bitcoin came when the AirBnB needed to move $500 million through 90 countries, each claiming a transaction fee. Bitcoin simplifies this by removing government involvement, transaction fees, and is an online currency. However, some belive bitcoin will, and even already, failed. In the article “How Bitcoin Ends”, the author states that “In essence, bitcoin is money built and maintained by nerds, based on the premise that good nerds will outnumber the bad nerds”. The article brings up a valid point that “the wealth disparity in bitcoin is worse than that of central currency, with 4% of users owning 96% of bitcoin”. Similarly, the article “Blockchain Will Disrupt Every Industry”, explains that the digital transaction ledger has the power to “digitize, decentralize, secure and incentivize the validation of transactions”. Some indistires which will be disrubted by blockchain include Healthcare, Aviation, Transportation, Music, Manufacturing, Security, Media, Identity, Automotive, Land Use and Government. All in all, while apps have been a sure way that the digital world has showed to help society, the same cannot be said for bitcoin and blockchain, which have yet to prove its validity.