Class 7: Internet of Things


The issue of the smart home technology marketing and convincing consumers into integrating these services into their daily lives; as the newest convenience that they should or must have as a way to lock in the huge target market by tech companies, creating more of a problem upon them versus a new level of comfort which they may have believed would lighten some of the burdens of their everyday tasks. In many instances, it manifests into confusion and danger zones they are not prepared for, leading to several levels of dysfunction they did not sign up for intentionally now becomes an invasion.

These unwanted invasions have also been put forth for Law enforcement and  other agencies as an obstacle as well; they are faced with a new battle on top of commonly dealt with issues and now must remedy the abuses, with limited options of trying to control some people use as a act of domination their victims.

Erica Olsen, the Director of the Safety Net Project at the National Network to end domestic violence, claims “people have started to raise their hands in training’s and ask what to do about this, Olsen says: she was wary of discussing the misuse of emerging technologies because,”we don’t want to introduce the idea to the world, but now that it’s become so prevalent, the cat’s out of the bag”. This now forces people in similar or same positions like Erica Olsen to adventure a different path, they normally wouldn’t yet journey at that stage. Taking firm grasp of the matter may not be easy to confront based on some underlying issues. Some of the biggest tech companies and device makers are in denial over reports from users experiencing any abusive situations arising from usages of services or products. The tech companies simplified solutions suggest pressing reset buttons, which is no solution to problems for victims or the extensions of others helping them deal with matters arising from usages in technology and devices controlled by others toward their victims. Emotional damages are left unresolved.

Victims calling into Domestic Abuse Hotlines elaborate concerns over being monitored and controlled, they have no answers over remedy in taking back leverage on their own lives. Legal resources are in debate over what is legally or really considered an invasion of the terms of ; No-Contact-Orders, and harassment’s by others using technology against their victims, Some opinions suggest that the act by another of simply turning on lights or a T.V by technology from another location to the victim either may or may not be considered a true or serious enough act to be taken into judicial consideration to resolve problems. the system is reluctant to write the technology terms of abuse into existing legal documents which are served to protect such victims and make the language clear to perpetrators. Where or when does the insanity  end or will it get much worst?.



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