I feel like blogs can not completely take over traditional news sources. Thousands of blogs were created in the past and many of them weren’t successful. Traditional news sources have journalists that been studying a variety of different subjects. They have knowledge because they are the ones doing the actual research and finding the stories. Not all blogs can be a creditable source of news for people. This is because they contain opinions on a topic without properly supporting their statements. In the article, “Why Bloggers Can’t Replace the Work of Professional Journalists” by Tony Rogers he discusses why blogs can’t replace traditional news. He states, “most bloggers don’t produce news stories on their own…they comment on news stories already out there”. The reason why blogs can’t replace traditional news isn’t because “they produce different content”. Bloggers are sitting at home waiting for the stories to come out like everyone else to report them. Journalist are going out reporting the stories first hand. They have more knowledge because they are more familiar with topics since the been writing about them for an extended about of time. The job of journalists is to report the news with factual evidence to back up their argument. They are objective on a subject matter, while “many bloggers do spend most of their time sharing their subjective thoughts”. When I’m reading about something that is going on, I don’t want other people telling me their views. Sometimes they can make a bias blog and not tell all the facts. In the article, “The Rise of the Professional Bloggers” by Benjamin Carlson, he mentions “out of the 50 blogs, 21 are owned by companies like CNN, NYT, and ABC.” Also that whatever began as a solo operation has developed its publications. This shows that there’s are not that many actual independent bloggers left. A lot of them are working for big media companies. They read over and see what these bloggers will submit. So, most of them aren’t even independent people sharing anymore. Big media companies like CNN and ABC will continue to control the top blogs because they want their companies to be the most popular. It’s a business and when you have everyone coming to your site it will equal more money through advertising.
Feb 07