Assignment 5: How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?

Streaming services have made traditional television networks panic. Many more Americans, including myself, have cancelled or are thinking about cancelling their cable subscription. Televisions and cable were the norm many years ago. Everyone would go home and sit in front of their television and surf through their channels to see if they saw something they liked. Reality television has been really popular because it tries to show real-life situations. While it was assumed that reality tv was unscripted, it is very hard to believe this. We see a lot of drama and a lot of people arguing with each other. Many people say they watch reality tv to escape their own reality and because they feel reality tv deals with real topics and subjects. For me, sometimes it is entertaining to watch reality tv but not to idolize the life of the rich and famous but to simply see how they live. I believe reality tv has created this false reality for a lot of people that in order to get what you want or get your point across you have to argue and make a big scene.

The future of television is uncertain, but the future of these reality shows might not be in danger. According to “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between” by Lori Kozlowski, consumers are in control. Kevin Spacey has said, “iPad versus the big screen — who cares, he says. Audiences care about stories. And it’s all content.” We might not need televisions in a few years because of all the other technology we have or might not need a cable subscription but the content that will be produced depends on us, the consumers. We want to watch specific shows at any-time, anywhere, on any device we choose. Traditional line-ups might be a thing of the past and streaming services like Netflix will be part of the future. Cable subscription is already dying and streaming services are becoming more popular. This can have a massive effect on human communication since watching television has been a social event and now streaming shows or binge watching shows has become a personal occasion. The future of television will definitely impact human communication as new technology will be developed and perhaps be catered for the individual.

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