Tag: politics

Social Media and Politics

With the advent and introduction of social media in our day-to-day lives, it appeared inevitable that politics too, would be impacted by the medium. The political stage that many of our elected officials stand on now implement a form of outreach and community engagement through social media. Considering that every year, our country gains a …

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How has media changed political campaigns? What are the positives / negatives?

http://https://www.google.com/search?q=donald+trump&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL64jq8sbgAhWBt1kKHbzIDiwQ_AUIDygC&biw=960&bih=468#imgrc=CROcxSmR0_luvM: Throughout the years we have seen the number of social media platforms and media tools in general grow exponentially. These platforms have advertised themselves to be useful for connecting users to their friends, family, and strangers. The number of people who have phones and other devices with cameras has increased, as well as the …

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Social Media and Politics

Social media has entirely shifted the approach politicians employ when running a campaign for public office. In the past, the “war room” technique was the go-to method by which candidates and their team built a relationship with voters and won positive public opinion. In the “war room,” the candidate and their campaign staff would make …

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Social Media & Politics

Social media has completely changed the game for political campaigns today. According to Aaron Smiths article “Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014”, voters have been using their smartphones to keep up with the latest political news, Republicans and Democrats and similar rates. He also explains the Republicans seem to be the first to have …

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