The Internet of Things

Personally, I feel like connecting objects to the internet will be beneficial then become a detriment to society. Think about it, if you were able to connect objects to the internet for some creative purpose then you’d eventually see the rise of people trying to use objects on the internet for the wrong purposes. It personally feels as if this may be a crossroads between innovation and boredom. This seems like a waste of time when there are real things going on in the world that can actually be beneficial to those in need but in this day and age, it’s all about the new and cool trend to arise. But after reading these articles, my perspective has changed on the importance this may contribute to society.

First of all, if you’re using inanimate/animate objects to help you gather statistical data on what is affected and how we can improve it dramatically because otherwise we’d have a moment in time where we will be just missing out on data that can help earth. Some of the beauty behind this is the technology will be able to eco-friendlier in aiding the world as a whole to be more aware of what can be done to change everything.

In the article “Why Things Matter” it states, “Blogjects are slowly creeping out of the primordial soup of passive, low-impact thing-ness. Blogjects aspire to relevance, and assert themselves because of new perspectives or additional insights they can offer on a semantically meaningful topics. Take the Pigeon that Blogs, for example — an early protozoa on the the Blogject species evolutionary chain. The Pigeon that Blogs is a project by Beatriz da Costa. It’s a pigeon, or more precisely, a flock of pigeons that are equipped with some telematics to communicate on the Internet wirelessly, a GPS device for tracing where its been flying, and an environmental sensor that records the levels of toxins and pollutants in the air through which they fly. These are the bits of data that the flocks “blog.” They disseminate their flight paths, probably viewable on a Google Map, together with information about the current toxic state of the local atmosphere. The Pigeon that Blogs is a mash-up of GPS, GSM communications technology and pollution sensors represents a full-order species evolution. It’s a pigeon pollution Google Maps mash-up.” The beauty of just taking a pigeon and gather this level on data to help preserve this earth is insane.

The beauty behind this type of resourceful and constructive practice is that with the proper funding and direction, this can be a game changing for the world. Of course, with anything that’s great being created there will be an issue with power and the division of it, but we can handle that when the time comes. I believe this is something people should invest in immediately, it’s definitely necessary to have less of an impact on the environment and no more carbon footprints on this beautiful earth. Being introduced to this allowed for me to gain a different perspective and this will be something that helps us, not harm us.

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