Media is now the catalyst to learning. There was a point in time where everyone will look to print media for information and to learn new things, but that era is now gone. Media allows for people to learn everything they want from their car, on a tablet in an airplane, through the internet and especially through their cell phones. Cell phone allows people to look up and find whatever they want to help them understand, learn and even connect with people from other cultures around the world if they’re intrigued enough. This is major for the variety of people and different cultures to come together using media.
In the article “Media Literacy” it states “Today, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our multi-media culture. From the clock radio that wakes us up in the morning until we fall asleep watching the late night talk show, we are exposed to hundreds — even thousands — of images and ideas not only from television but also from websites, movies, talk radio, magazine covers, e-mail, video games, music, cell phone messages, billboards — and more. Media no longer just shape our culture…they ARE our culture.”. I couldn’t agree more because the things that I’ve been personally exposed to allowed me to contain information I didn’t know existed until I utilized my social media accounts. From connection with producers from London introducing me to the “Grime” music scene all the way to artists from California asking me to shoot their videos. Media changed a lot.
In the article “Eight Traits of the New Media” it states “Media content flows fluidly across national borders; people deploy the new communication networks to interact with others around the world. The global scale of this new media landscape changes the way we think about ourselves and our place in the world. We might imagine a progression from nations sending single diplomats to interact with each other over a distance to the modern era of international flight where many have the experience of directly visiting other parts of the world to the present moment when an increasing number of people interact daily, if not hourly, with people living on the other side of the planet.”. This stands to be very true because what I mentioned earlier, introducing yourself to some new cultures and coming together to create something greater!