Apps are probably some of the best and most convenient things to ever happen to people who need things within a certain time limit, but the issue is people are not seeing the long game in their app usage. I personally believe hat are the reason life has become so easy to lose track of your finances, have deteriorating health and even be a victim of fraud because your information is stored on these apps. This is a time where things have been so convenient, you don’t even have to leave your house to get whatever you want from an app. Whether it’s food, clothing, home/tv appliances or even pay for a flight on a private jet.
In the “The Mobile Browser is Dead” article, it states “Analytics firm Flurry has published data on mobile usage by US consumers during Q1 2014. While users are spending more time on their devices (an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes per day, up four minutes on the same period last year), how they use that time has changed as well. Only 22 minutes per day are spent in the browser, with the balance of time focused on applications. Looking at breakdown of that time, users are living in their smartphone’s applications. That gaming requires apps is a given, but almost every other area provides the user with a choice – go for an app to access the data or go to the web. Users are turning away from the browser and relying on applications. Anyone who relies on reaching out to users should be paying attention to these numbers and have a strategy to deal with the app issue.” This is a clear indication that people aren’t even in using the internet directly anymore when there are apps that clearly cater to what you desire to have. So, there’s a possibility that in the near future that applications will ultimately wipeout the browser.
In the current era we’re in now, we are creating a way to circumvent a centralized banking system and using Bitcoin, a form of cryptocurrency, that allows one party to have transactions without being taxed to another party. This is what America feared, money being made and them not receiving a cut. This can be a one of the world’s greatest innovations or a big detriment to communities all around the world because if Bitcoin becomes the sole currency around the world then a lot of communities will suffer a huge economic loss. Nevertheless, there are people from different communities around the world who are still on board with Bitcoin and have never been more invested (with more understanding of what it is) into something.
In the “The Fierce Battle for the Soul of Bitcoin” it states “Meanwhile, some of the new entrants to the bitcoin universe—venture capitalists and entrepreneurs—have a much different vision. They see bitcoin as something more practical: a hyperefficient online transaction system like Visa, but cheaper, faster, and more flexible. It would usher in a world in which we don’t have to trust online vendors to safeguard our credit card numbers, in which merchants don’t have to pay exorbitant handling fees, and in which payments as small as fractions of a cent could unleash a kind of long tail of commerce, making it just as easy and profitable for an Argentine vintner to accept money from a wine connoisseur in Dubai as it is for Amazon to sell diapers in Dubuque.” This is how people see the outcome of moving to the newer cryptocurrency in this world, this is something people want.
The issue with cryptocurrency right now is that people are still using this form of payment on the dark web. The “dark web” is essentially an illegal website for criminals to have transactions without being caught. People are using Bitcoin to acquire things the normal public can’t access, whether it be drugs or organs. At this point in time, there are more illegal transactions transpiring through bitcoin verses legal because with this form of currency because you can’t track them due to each transaction being encrypted differently each time. So right now, Bitcoin isn’t ideally in the right space with most of its transactions but, there is some potential for it to make a positive impact in this world if it lands in the right hands.