There seems to be a Starbucks and a McDonalds in every corner of the world. Globalization is already well on its way. The world seems to be more connected, more alert, and in a sense more together. Now, I have the possibility to follow the protests happening in France against the government and I am able to lend my support through messages on social media sites. Little by little technology and media are taking over. They are making our lives more convenient but also pose some troubling consequences. The article, “Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape” by Henry Jenkins states, “There is a danger that as this technology becomes so familiar, so much a part of our daily routines that it becomes invisible to us: we can no more see the layer of media that surrounds us than fish notice the water they are swimming in.” He is describing how having electronics in every room in our homes and using some constantly everyday can lead us to believe that these things are normal and natural. I agree with his point of view and even though this article was written in 2006, it is still very relevant right now. I have gotten used to taking my phone to the bathroom and recently I have started leaving my phone behind and in the beginning it felt as if I was naked or missing a part of me but I am used to it now. When I think about how much electronics are involved in our lives I panic. I cut down the time I use electronics and prohibit myself from using them in front of others. It has worked for me but I still see people hanging out and not talking to each other but just on their phones for the majority of the time.
Our world seems to be revolving around electronics and media. This is impacting relationships, businesses, and even culture. The article, “Does globalization mean we will become one culture?” by Mark Pagel argues that we can be on the path to becoming one culture. Pagel argues that there more business are globalizing and this means that the messages and ideas within the businesses are also becoming global. While globalization is increasing I believe it is impossible for it to lead us to become one culture because there are so many different opinions within one culture and that it seems impossible for everyone to come to an agreement on something. The exchange of ideas is increasing and I think it has and will lead to an increase awareness in different cultures but hopefully it does not lead to changes within a culture for the worse. It is fascinating that one species is able to have so many different cultures and I think it would be a disaster if globalization could ever ruin that.