How Is Crowdsourcing Changing The Way That Companies Approach Creating Content? By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

Crowdsourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services. These services include ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users whether they’re paid or unpaid; it divides work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. People created websites to increase the number of internet customers who bought goods and the number of owners who want to make profits for the benefit of the economy. Individuals also created websites for mass publication because according to the Atlantic’s article, “The Blurring Line Between Amateur and Professional”, Charles Murray of AEI complained that the New York Times only paid him $75 for co-op contributions and that caused assumptions about the content. Users wanted to become involved with crowdsourcing due to the increase in sales over the internet and consumers have the chance to get ideas and to produce them but not only that but it helps them save money that in the New York Times article, “Crowdsourcing To Get Ideas, and Perhaps Save Money”, it has benefits for users to make profit by saving money after consumers purchased their goods on the internet and it replaced focus groups but not only it’s faster but it’s cheaper. Crowdsourcing also brings out competition from both amateurs and professionals all over the web that in’s article, “The Rise of Crowdsourcing”, both classes compete to see who sells their goods the most without going overconfident but they sell their goods at lower prices instead of items that are way too expensive for consumers to buy. Crowdsourcing is important because users created websites to encourage customers to purchase items at a low cost to increase the number of items that were sold to save money for the economy so they could be professionals in order to make their businesses booming and at large for the benefit of the Internet.

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