Before social media having an impact on political campaigns, a way a political candidate would interact with their followers would be by doing speeches across the United States. Thanks to social media platforms especially Twitter it has changed political campaigns one can just write a 140 message and they are instantly interacting with their followers. Throughout the years many Americans use their cellphones to track political news or campaign coverage. According to “Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014” 28% of registered voters have used their cell phone in this way during the 2014 campaign, up from 13% in 2010. Although television and print are main sources of communication social media has become a great interaction for citizens to gain their news straight to their smartphones. In “Crossing the Campaign Divide: Dean Changes the Election Game” they introduce SNTs which is social networking techniques, it allows users by bringing people together who are unlikely to have otherwise encountered one another. For example people were meeting up to talk about the political candidate on their own without any help of the campaign organization. It sounds positive that social media has changed how one looks at political campaigns there comes along a negative side of it. The negative is how one takes the use of a social platform without the measures it can have after. In “Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016” Trump as what they described as using twitter to bash and gain political power over others. During his campaign he used twitter to discuss his concerns making him be mentioned in 6.3 million conversations and 8 times more than his rival candidates.
Feb 18