Description of Class Activity: Brianna and Noelle’s Presentation

For our class activity, we will be splitting our activity into two parts which includes a game of Kahoot and a mock court case. The game of Kahoot should take 10-15 minutes and it will be testing the knowledge of which tricky examples are to be considered as piracy and which are not. The second part of the activity will take a longer time because it will be a mock trial in which some students will play judges, others will be artists, some will be well-known music companies/labels, and the rest will be consumers who participate in piracy. In the mock court case, the artists/music companies are suing the consumers for pirating their music and will have to develop strong arguments against the opposing side (consumers) in order to convince the judges why piracy should be banned, how it negatively affects their crafts/sales, and why they should win the case. The consumers will have to defend themselves with convincing arguments on why they decided to illegally copyright these products in order to convince the judges that piracy isn’t a damaging thing and doesn’t have detrimental effects on artists/music labels to win the case. Before the trial begins, each group will have 5 minutes to discuss their arguments to present to the judges.

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