Piracy is defined as the unauthorized copying of any purchased software. Many online programs that are bought, are specifically for use by the user that bought it and their computer. People who buy software are called “licensed users” rather than the owner of the software because they did not create the software, they are paying to access it. Piracy is different from theft because theft removes the original document/ software and piracy makes a copy of the document/ software without removing the original document. Piracy is very common in today’s world. Many people watch movies online instead of going to the movie theaters to save money. Sites like 123movies or a jailbroken fire-stick allow people to stream movies freely. According to Paul Tassi, “There are no employees, no security guards, and when you take a copy of movie, another one materializes in its place, so you’re not actually taking anything.” The internet makes it easy to commit piracy because none of the streaming sites are blocked or leave viruses anymore. When you download a movie online, there is no pop-up ad or message that says you can not watch this content because it is copyrighted. Paul Tassi states “The primary problem movie studios have to realize is that everything they charge for is massively overpriced. The fact that movie ticket prices keep going up is astonishing. How can they possibly think charging $10-15 per ticket for a new feature is going to increase the amount of people coming to theaters rather than renting the movie later or downloading it online for free?” He is completely right on this and many people would rather wait for the movie to either come out on tv or wait until there is a clear stream of it instead of going to the movies. The good thing that AMC brought back is $5 Tuesdays where any movie is that price every Tuesday. When people hear that they would rather go on a Tuesday where they can pay $5 compared to $10-$15 on the same movie. Netflix is considered a threat to movie companies because they charge a considerably low amount to access hundreds of shows and movies. People prefer streaming apps like Netflix or Hulu instead of physical copies of DVD’s because these apps are accessible anywhere, anytime. The world is shifting to a time where physical copies are not necessarily needed. I feel like piracy is a thing that will not really go away. If there is a way to copy it, it will always happen.