Why is social software a blessing in disguise?

Social software is computer software that enables users to interact and share data. Software like MySpace, Facebook, emails, and instant messaging are considered social software. Social software is a blessing in disguise because it allows for easy communication throughout the world. It is made easy to contact people who a person is unable to see face to face. Family members are able to keep tabs on each other with the touch of a button. Many people who use social software have friends who they have never really interacted with or met before. This is the blessing of the software, it connects you to people that you share interests with or mutual friends with, allowing you to network your business or interact with people who you have things in common with. Many jobs that are looking to hire a particular person will look for their social software accounts and take into account what they see/find out when considering that person for the job. That is considered a blessing to the jobs because they can find out more about that person just by searching their name. It might not be a blessing to that person because if they posted something irrational when they were younger, it could pop up and the job might see it and decide they do not want to hire that person anymore based on that one old post. According to the article “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?”, technology will advance, making it possible to determine who specifically was is what footage. This is a blessing in disguise because it can allow Law Enforcements to pin-point criminals and easily identify them. Many crimes take long to solve because the police are unable to identify suspects from surveillance footages. A downfall in Social software is that as much as it connects us, it disconnects us to the people that we are with in the moment and the people who are right in front of us. Many people are quick to snap pictures and post it on instagram or Twitter or any other Social software to showcase their life. It is like if it was not posted and no one knew what that person was doing, then it is as if it never happened.

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