Why is Social Software a blessing in Disguise ?

Why is Social Software a blessing in Disguise ?

These days we solely rely on the internet for most of our daily activities. Since the creation of Facebook, social software has became the main source of communication for individuals. From the creation many other social site have been created such as twitter, instagram, snapchat, and much more. In the article “ Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” by Dana Boyd, she explains how our lives are shaped by social technology. Boyd states “People join the sites with their friends and use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and communicate with one another”(pg. 2). These social sites and apps have became our main source of communication we barely make regular calls anymore, we are too busy snap chatting videos to one another or making FaceTime calls. iMessage and apps such as instagram and snapchat allow individuals to send voice notes to one another so regular phone calls are not even necessary for communication, unless the situation is urgent. I can say social software has made communication much easier especially apps like “whatsapp” that allow us to communicate internationally without running up our phone bill. The great thing about Social software is being able to communicate with people from all over the world there are no restrictions. But there is a downfall to social software, there is no privacy everything is open to the public which can be disturbing, people may feel like they have no privacy when owning a social media account. Although these apps allow us to make our profiles private, our profiles are never really private. People can create fake accounts to gain access to your profile or people have the ability to screenshot our profiles so there is still a chance a person who you might be hiding from your profile may end up seeing it. Instagram and snapchat does allow you the option to make your stories private, but now that apple has installed the “screen recording”option on our phones people now have the option to screen record anything that pops up on their screen or feed, it’s really hard to ensure your account is truly private. For these reasons social software might not be a blessing in disguise because of all the information that is shared publicly.

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