On average, any human being who owns a smartphone spends about 2-4 hours on it. We no longer use our phone service and Wi-Fi for internet browsers. Applications are made for every separate transaction or need we have. For example, most restaurants allow you to order food before you arrive. They offer incentives to ensure that as many customers download these apps. Offering coupons/ reduced prices for mobile orders only, loyalty programs, etc.
I do find it more convenient to have an application for things I use daily. I find myself downloading at least one app a day. Also, nowadays, most mobile advertisements are about downloading applications. It is becoming more common and less needed to google different companies.
Digital currency is currently going through the process of creating more applications as well. It is not as popular as it should be, but it is currently being accessed through “Blockchain”. An app that is similar to PayPal but for bitcoins. The creators of Bitcoin wanted to test who would be the first adopters of the trend. He settled for what he considered “geeks” and “experimental groups”. Now, it is just an account with bitcoins that most people do not know what to do. Yet, many people know the expense of buying stock with bitcoin or working for them. They were unsure how to answer any security deals as in avoiding hackers or insurance on their items which led to issues. By 2020, bitcoin will be super popular, it could be a new form of currency.
Overall, I do not think bitcoin is safe enough to use as a regular bank account. Of course, business owners are excited to see where they are going with this. Consumers see that prices are increasing on bitcoin. It is harder to get anything than before. But bitcoins are completely virtual. “But because bitcoin isn’t necessarily tied to any user’s identity, it can be spent anonymously like cash, meaning there’s a way to keep governments and marketers in the dark about your spending habits.” (Mcmillan). As I stated, bitcoin can have its pros and cons.