Social Media and politics

The effects that social media has made during the times of campaigning has been very overwhelming. Social media has made a drastic difference in the way our political leaders has connected with its people. In the article, Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016” it states how president Donald Trump has dominated Twitter as a political leader. It mentions his engagement with his followers and the attention he receives from it. Who would’ve thought that social media would gain that type of attention and power? The media is a place where there are rules, you may not ask certain questions, speak on certain subjects that can hurt your career, etc. but today with social media, a place where there’s barely any rules, these thoughts don’t apply. As mentioned on, The Role Played By Social Media In Political Participation And Electoral Campaigns” it states that today, social media has grown rapidly in political activism. When it comes to citizen journalism and political engagement with platforms such as Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook many people regardless of where they stand in life are given the chance to speak out and connect to their followers with just a push of a button. In the article, “Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014” by Aaron Smith, it mentions how today, many Americans go to social media to be informed on anything related to politics and even to register to vote in the upcoming elections. We see how not only social media but technology has changed the way we interact with important events such as important as that. As mentioned in the reading, “Crossing the campaign divide: Dean changes the election game” it states how overall, social media has given political leaders from all around the world a new platform that allows them to engage with people from all around the world and from a variety of age groups.

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