Bloggers are making a huge impact as of right now in the world of internet. Their title “bloggers” is not a way of taking over traditional news sources, their label or title describes their work as their opinion. They are not taking over the traditional news sources according to the “Can Bloggers Replace Journalists” since they do not produce news stories of their own it is much more of their opinion on the news stories already out there. On the other hand their are people who do agree that bloggers are taking over traditional news sources. Laura McKenna in “The Rise of the Professional Blogger” talks on how before bloggers were credited by their work now it is much more of how blogger are “absorbed into some other professional enterprise”. Companies like ABC, CNN, the New York Times, ect, are now owners of 21 blogs out of the top 50. Besides the fact of these brands coming to collect bloggers many of the bloggers go on a popular social media application, Twitter. Twitter is a popular microblogging tool invented in October 2006. In “Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities” they observe users participate in communities which share similar interests. While some act as information providers, others are merely looking for new and interesting information. This is the place for bloggers to be, they are not news sources but they express their opinion in hopes to attract ones attention who share the same perspective on the topic. If they were “taking over traditional news” then their blog should be filled with new researched information rather than just voicing their opinion.
Feb 07