Blogging Vs. Traditional News

Melanie Beltran

MCS 244

February 3, 2019

When surfing on the internet, one has a good chance of coming across a blog that could potentially appeal to them. The blog could be relative to fashion, makeup, fitness, interior designing, lifestyle and more. There is a debate about whether or not blogging has taken over the traditional way people receive news. The open question is are journalists irreplaceable? In the article, “Can Bloggers Replace Journalists,” the content that blogs produce as opposed to journalists, are more or less comments to what has already been reported. Journalists are going out of their way to find, unlock stories and report it for the public. “The problem with having blogs replace newspapers is that most bloggers don’t produce news stories on their own. Instead, they tend to comment on news stories already out there — stories produced by professional journalists. Indeed, much of what you find on many blogs are posts based on, and linking back to, articles from news websites.” This is viewed as an issue because journalists produce the hard work in finding or discovering news and blogs just make comments on events already public. What journalists do is conduct proper research first instead of having a bias opinion on what was found. “The Atlantic, The Rise of the Professional Blogger,” glorifies blogging and how it has become such a huge part of the media. Its own marketing has benefited bloggers in terms of blogging becoming “…more corporate, more ossified, and increasingly indistinguishable from the mainstream media.It is doing relatively well for itself as a business and was successful enough to continue to make money and have people support blogging. In the article, “ Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities” microblogging has become very popular amongst society with the social platform of Twitter. People that have made posts regarding media, their personal and other things have skyrocketed. The number of times someone uses Twitter has only increased over the years (depicted in figures two and three). Blogging has been a way for people to connect and comment on issues that are popular in mainstream or popularizing a topic that may be overlooked in society. Using social media platforms like Twitter has only shown an increase in usage, making it a habit and possibly a luxury to have in one’s life.

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