I feel like social media has affected this society in both negative and positive ways. In previous generations, you weren’t able to connect with anyone around the world in the span of seconds. With the help of sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & twitter, this was made possible. While reading one of the articles, one of mark Zuckerberg’s business strategies really stood out to me. He believed that “social capacity” is increased a lot compared to people that aren’t on a social network. “Humans have the capacity to maintain empathetic relationships with about 150 people, communities of about 150 people. I like to think Facebook extends that” ( Article 3). With social media, you can meet thousands of people and maintain relationships with them, used as a way for memorization and easy communication. As i was reading these articles though, they all seemed to have a similar theme of negativity towards social media. As someone that heavily supports it, i can agree with some of the negatives that were said and i can but myself in the authors shoes to understand where they are coming from. In article 1, the author suggests that Facebook doesn’t connect and share with people in your but instead promote propaganda, disinformation, fake news, and fake accounts. I feel like this is a big deal because when politics get involved with the fake news, it can weaken certain sides of government for false reasons. Despite all of of that i think the positives outweigh the negatives because there are much more ways to benefit from social media. For example starting a business, you can network with people and meet people that are interested in the same thing and from there you can expand, or there are ways you can get paid on social media if you’re a influencer (Instagram). The reason why I see social media having a positive affect on society is because i watch YouTube get paid a lot of money for doing that they love and just being themselves. It’s almost like watching Television. Also, Television is being used less because with social media you can search exactly what you want to find, and quickly. Following news pages is a perfect example since you can see live footage of things, and knowing about things seconds after it happens.
Jan 31