How has Social Media Affected Us As a Society

Social Media has become extremely popular over the years. Social Media has become the outlet that everyone uses for multiple purposes such as promoting products, sharing important news or information, or just keeping people updated with their daily lives. Social Media is also used as an outlet where individuals are allowed to speak freely and voice their opinions. Youtube and Facebook are quite popular, in which individuals post videos on their reactions or opinions on things happening in the world. An important event that was globally talked about on Social Media was the 2016 election. Many individuals had their opinions on Trump running for the election. Trump is also known for voicing his opinion on social media, he is very popular on twitter. Trump relied on social media for most of his election. In the article “Who Will Take Responsibility for Facebook” by Virginia Heffernan we learn how Facebook was paid to post adds supporting the Trump campaign. “Facebook broke its silence. The company admitted it had received payments for ads placed by organizations “likely operated out of Russia.” Facebook admitted to taking payments to promote ads supporting the Trump Campaign, which ultimately led to Trump winning the election. This brought negative attention towards Zuckerberg and Facebook as many individuals had mixed feelings about the election. Many people were upset that Trump won the election, so Facebook being involved in the election was not good for Zuckerberg and his company. In the article “The Truth About Facebook’s Fake Quest to Connect The World” by Noam Cohen , he discusses the companies deepest myths.  “The mythology of Facebook as a well-meaning company doing good by connecting the world didn’t only pacify an unsuspecting public for a decade, it inspired a fiercely loyal workforce.” This line states that there’s more to Facebook then we know. Cohen seems to be targeting the “fiercely loyal workforce” as he discusses how the workers of Facebook were not able to connect and communicate with their families and friends. The workers were expected to give up everything and work for the company. One worker discusses how working for the company made him disconnected from his own family and also led him to losing his wife. This relates to many individuals because social media can cause people to ruin their relationships, social media consumes peoples time as people are constantly on their phones tweeting or snapping. Some people forget how to live in the moment, so I would conclude by saying social media is affecting us negatively. We rely on social media so much that people rarely watch the news or even read the newspaper we rely on our phones and social media to keep us up to date.


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