Can blogs take over traditional news sources?

Blogs can definitely take over traditional news sources, if they already haven’t done it yet.  At first people thought blogging was just a way for people to share their views on things like pop culture and current events. You weren’t considered reliable or nevertheless a journalist if you had a blog.  In Tony Rogers Why Bloggers Can’t Replace the Work of Professional Journalists Search  “…the point is that being a real reporter involves finding new information, not just commenting on information that’s already out there”. In other words bloggers only write subjectively and focus more on their own point of view as opposed to just providing information like traditional news. The reason this would prohibit the growth of blogs is because people want information and the ability to decide what to do with that information. Traditional news platforms provide people with the information they want without the forced opinions of any old online blogger who writes as a part-time hobby.

When Twitter came out, microblogging became a new thing and more people were aloud to share their thoughts and opinions without having to write essays. In the paper Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities“Compared to regular blogging, microblogging fulfills a need for an even faster mode of communication. By encouraging shorter posts, it lowers users’ requirement of time and thought investment for content generation” . Society today has adapted from having to be home to watch the latest news, to not worrying about missing anything because they could access and catching up and current events on their phone and tablets. It was a lot easier and felt more relatable reading blogs about current events.  Soon people started to give up newspapers just to go digital. Because of this news companies have adapted and included blogs in their websites and on social media, like Twitter. According to Benjamin Carlson The Rise of the Professional Blogger  “Of the top 50 blogs, 21 are owned by such familiar names as CNN, the New York Times, ABC, and AOL.” to not only keep their audience, they are also able to reach to other people around the world.


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