Piracy is hurting the case for copyright online because it is utilizing another person’s utilizing another person’s work illicitly without their assent at the end of the day copyright encroachment.Paul Tassi states that “As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going to be one step ahead. To be clear, this is in no way meant to be a “pro-piracy” piece, it is merely attempting to show the inescapable realities of piracy that media companies refuse to acknowledge. What’s clear is that legislation is not the answer. Piracy is already illegal in the US, and most places around the world, yet it persists underground, but more often in plain sight. Short of passing a law that allows the actual blacklisting of websites like China and Iran, there is no legislative solution.Piracy apparently harms free makers who are attempting to make it – including picture takers, film makers, performers, and application designers – more than it hurts built up craftsmen. Free makers are endeavoring to win an occupation and make a profession. When they are pilfered they lose basic pay, they lose certainty, and the lost salary keeps them from re-putting resources into their inventive work.The way piracy is hurting companies businesses especially Hollywood is that many users can watch a movie without having to make a payment for purchase or rent.