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- Can blogs take over traditional news sources? — 1 comments
May 01
In the New Yorker article entitled, “1+1+1=1: The New Math of Mashups”, Sasha Frere-Jones stated that “Mashups find new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does. If there is an electric guitar of the mashup, …
Apr 19
Anthony and I did our class presentation on social media. We created six well informed slides about social media.We discussed how and why social media has affected or impacted us.What we took away from this presentation is that individuals utilize online networking however don’t generally associate as much as they should. Individuals are keen on …
Apr 19
Piracy is hurting the case for copyright online because it is utilizing another person’s utilizing another person’s work illicitly without their assent at the end of the day copyright encroachment.Paul Tassi states that “As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going …
Apr 18
Nowadays we exclusively depend on the web for the vast majority of our day by day movement, social programming has turned into the principle wellspring of correspondence for people. I can say social programming has made correspondence a lot simpler particularly applications like “Fcaebook,twitter,instagram,whatsapp” that enable us to impart universally without running up our telephone …
Apr 18
The medium is the association with how we get or continue on the message, without the medium it is extremely unlikely we can send or get data around each other. There are different ways the medium can be exhibited particularly since time and the computerized media is continually evolving. Marshall Mcluhan made a point that …
Apr 18
In the article “ The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App” by Ewan Spencer discusses how people are spending more time on their devices, they are spending over 2 hours a day on their devices. Spencer states “Users are living in their smartphone’s applications…Users are turning away from the browser and relying on …
Apr 18
Media has made globalization simpler than at any other time. Individuals can interface with individuals from everywhere throughout the world . Regardless of whether it is sharing images or answering to remarks under a viral post or just to talk, media makes it conceivable. With the snap of a catch, an individual could be associated …
Apr 16
In the article “As Objects Go Online,” the author discussed some benefits of connecting physical objects to the internet such as with health care, “shelves and pill bottles connected to the Internet can alert a forgetful patient when to take a pill, a pharmacist to make a refill, and a doctor when a dose is …
Mar 15
TV has changed our method for correspondence in a few different ways, rather than surging home to see a show at a specific time, we record it onto our DVR or simply stream it on the web. Customary ways have changed and we don’t pay psyche to most network shows except if we approach them …
Mar 15
Crowdsourcing is the act of getting data or contribution to an undertaking or venture by enrolling the administrations of countless. Such as the customary course, keep a similar generation unblemished and have everything on a similar recurrence or Go the nontraditional course, discover a gathering of individuals who can make/accomplish what you’re searching for and …