Nowadays we exclusively depend on the web for the vast majority of our day by day movement, social programming has turned into the principle wellspring of correspondence for people. I can say social programming has made correspondence a lot simpler particularly applications like “Fcaebook,twitter,instagram,whatsapp” that enable us to impart universally without running up our telephone bill.the extraordinary thing about Social programming is having the capacity to speak with individuals from everywhere throughout the world there are no confinements.In the article “ Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” by Dana Boyd, she explains how our lives are shaped by social technology. Boyd says “People join the sites with their friends and use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and communicate with one another”. Be that as it may, there is a defeat to social programming, there is no security everything is available to the open which can be exasperating, individuals may feel like they have no protection while owning an internet based life account. In spite of the fact that these applications enable us to make our profiles private, our profiles are never extremely private. Individuals can make counterfeit records to access your profile or individuals can screen capture our profiles so there is as yet an opportunity an individual who you may avoid your profile may finish up observing it. These articles demonstrate the upsides and downsides that originate from social programming. Generally I observe social programming to be useful for us due to the headway it has made on the planet, It makes our lives simpler and makes advancement.