The definition of “the medium is the message” according to Wikipedia is a phrase created by Marshall McCluhan that means that the channel through which the message is transmitted is more important than the meaning or content of the message. This statement is proven numerous times. Marshall McCluhan states “This fact merely underlines the point that “the medium is the message” because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action.” Many movies and songs have hidden meanings that people have to pay close attention to in order to fully grasp the concept. Social Media encourages “the medium as the message” in a sense that they limit how much a person can write in posts. For example, Twitter has a character limit of about 280 for each post making people have to get to the point of their post rather than ramble on. Instagram supports “the media is the message” visually. It allows businesses to post pictures that are appealing to consumers and is a quick and easy way to showcase a message. The medium is important because it is how a message will be perceived without a medium, the message is pointless and means nothing. Digital Media is probably one of the most effective type of medium. This is because it is seen worldwide and instantly and is accessible at any moment . Many people prefer to view messages digitally rather than in print. Rappers also use their medium to get their messages across.The beat behind their voices helps people to hear the message in a creative way. Meek Mill’s song “What’s Free” he raps about the inequalities and injustices of the system that is continuously happening to minorities. He explains how in the land of the free, people aren’t really free because of the lack of education, lack of opportunity, or getting caught up in the system due to how they look. The media allows us to experience the message in multiple ways. The popular way for messages to be seen is through music and movies where it is visible on the screen or people are able to paint pictures in their head while listening to their music.