A medium is defined as a channel or system of communication to which information or data can be obtained or transmitted. A medium is important to digital culture because the medium is literally “the message” in which the medium is how we decide to communicate with one another. The medium is the connection to how we receive or pass on the message, without the medium there is no way we can send or receive information about one another. There are multiple ways the medium can be presented especially since time and the digital media is always changing.
As time goes on and new media outlets and forms of communications are created the medium begins to change as well. Marshall McCluhan believes “For the “content” of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.The effect of the medium is made strong and intense just because it is given another medium as “content””. Basically stating that the mediums depend on one another, in order for the medium go function it is given the content of another medium, almost as if they build off one another. A negative aspect of the medium that McCluhan points out is the elimination of jobs due to new technology and new forms of human association.