For this generation, one of the most entertainment forms of tv is reality tv and streamed tv shows. The drama that comes from real people and put onto our screens end up becoming our greatest form of entertainment due to the fact that it’s different from what we’ve had growing up as well as getting our favorite new show available at any device at any time. According to the article, “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between” it mentions how actor Kevin Spacey is reaching out to many to show the importance of telling a story regardless of how its portrayed. He states “Let them binge…The device and the length are irrelevant…It’s all content. It’s just story. The audience has spoken. They want stories. They’re dying for them.” this shows how overtime the interest in audiences have changed to more simple and better ideas. As mentioned in the article, “Review: Smart We Live in Public Probes Web Genius’ Hubris” it brings the topic of something new and unseen to the table. Created by Josh Harris an artist in New York City, the idea of a 24 hour live stream that surveilles the life of a young couple was ahead of its time. Harris created this for the chance of taking down big name companies such as NBC. The problem with this form of entertainment is that it was not widely available for everyone to see due to internet issues but it was still a shift from the common American form of entertainment. In the article, “The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here” it speaks about the future of television which we’ve actually gotten a sense of now. With the uprise of streaming services, many Americans have cancelled their cable in order to stick with streaming their shows. The problem with this is that not every episode will be streamed and you’d still have to pay for certain services. Aside from this, I know that the future of streaming services will continue to grow and dominate the entertainment business.
Mar 06