Social Media has changed politics, by having more political information go on media now. Now people can talk and send out information, ( true or not true) to their friends or people that are following the. People like Donald Trump have found out the best way to stay relevant is through social media. In the text,”Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016,” by Michael Barbaro, it states,”His online dominance is striking: Over the past two months, on Twitter alone, he has been mentioned in 6.3 million conversations, eight times as many as Republican rivals like Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson — not to mention more than three times as many as Hillary Rodham Clinton and nearly four times as many as Bernie Sanders.” Despite Donald Trump being seen as an unfit president, he stays relevent more than these other canidates, and he can tweet out more misinformation out, but since everybody wants to hear what he said than really knowing what he said, he can get away with it. A positive with media changing political campiagns is people now can pay attention to politics, as seen in the article,” Cell Phones, Social Media and Campaign 2014,” by Aaron Smith it says, ” Voters of all ages are more likely to take part in these behaviors than in the previous midterm race, but that growth has been especially pronounced among 30-49 year olds. Some 40% of voters ages 30-49 have used their cell phone to follow this year’s election campaign (up from 15% in 2010) and 21% follow political figures on social media (up from just 6% in 2010). Voters in this age group now take part in each of these behaviors at rates nearly identical to 18-29 year olds.” A negative is some people can’t access social media, while other people can access social media. People that can’t access social media, probaly won’t get the right information about a candidate, and will make a bad decision of who they elect. Also sensitive information about political canidates can get released on socilal media as they have been political canidates that had to answer questions about what they did in the past. People shouldn’t have to have personal information be sent out on social media.
Feb 14