Can blogs take over traditional news sources?

Blogs cannot take over traditional new sources because blogs are more into ideal and self perspective part as in the traditional news are factuals. In the article “Why Bloggers Can’t Replace the Work of Professional Journalists,” Tony Rogers states that “The problem with having blogs replace newspapers is that most bloggers don’t produce news stories on their own. Instead, they tend to comment on news stories already out there — stories produced by professional journalists.” He also states  that there’s a contrast among opinions and realities. Numerous bloggers today are deliberating their viewpoint into something that should simply be proved to be true.

According to Benjamin Carlson of The Atlantic, blogs can be reliable but its not the same as traditional news source. A few online journals are claimed by real news sources, for example, CNN and The NYT times.Traditional news sources have writers that been concentrate a wide range of subjects. They have learning since they are the ones doing the real research and finding things to report. Not all blogs can be a respectable wellspring of news for individuals.Enormous media organizations like CNN and ABC will keep on controlling the best web journals since they need their organizations to be the most famous.This is on the grounds that they report their belief on the subject without appropriately providing their affirmation.

Blogs can’t supplant traditional news because “they deliver diverse substance”. Bloggers are somewhere comfortable trusting that will be news or stories to be published they can create a story after someone has already report it. Writers are going out and actually finding things to report and write about with accuracy of being there.They have more information since they are progressively acquainted with subjects .The activity of journalists  is to report the news with genuine proof to back up their contention.



  1. Great work on this Aicha. I agree that most blogs are not as trustworthy as traditional news sites are so it’s interesting to think about ways in which they could improve their status. Do you have any ideas on how to make blogs more valid?

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