Blogs vs. Traditional News

In this day and age a believe it is possible for blogs to take over traditional news sources. I don’t think it will be possible that blogs will take over all news sources that we know but I do believe it will take over the majority. In this generation, most millennials and generation z’s receive most if not all their news from the internet. We depend more on what we interact with on the daily. With the use of our phones and computer, we are most likely to get our news from what’s in front of our faces and what can appear anytime on our screens. In Why Bloggers Can’t Replace the Work of Professional Journalists” Rogers states that instead of becoming better than a professional reporter, bloggers can gear towards citizen journalism to write their stories. Most bloggers don’t come up with news stories on their own instead, they comment on what already public made by the professionals. This makes a big point as to why professional reports cant be replaced, their work is so unique that it would be hard to receive that from anyone thats not a professional. In “The Rise of the Professional Blogger” Michael Massing mentions the pros of blogs. He states that unlike old media, blogging allows people of all ages to contribute to this change in media. Many others such as Glenn Reynolds and Clay Shirky agree with Massing that the old media mainly attracts the older audience while blogging aims at the young few. I personally don’t believe that bloggers will take over the jobs of journalist due to the fact that people may gear towards factual news instead of something anyone could have written online. The news will always be the first thing many people will look into when it comes into getting information may it be on politics, the weather, or information on what’s happening in your community. In “Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities” the professionals mention something I have never heard of before, Microblogging. Microblogging is a form of communication that allows its users to post statuses about what they’re doing at that exact moment of their lives. In platforms such as, Facebook and Twitter or even text messages it gives its users the chance to communicate to their friends or family and update them on what going on. This shows the changes in how we received information in the past and how it has changed today

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