After doing the 3 readings, that we were supposed to do, I believe that social media has affected us as a society very negatively. For one, people now don’t have to talk to people face to face, because they can just text people or write a blog on the internet about a resturant that they didn’t like. They can also can be lying about the blog they posted, which what people do. Theirs also fake news on the internet, and if enough people share it, the fake news can blow up. People who make a living by doing dumb stuff or saying dumb, can be famous now. If their wasn’t social media, they would’t blow up. People who write blogs, can be more popular than journalists, people who went to school to get a degree so they can write for a newspaper and have a degree in it. Social media have they positives but the negatives outweigh the positives .In the article,”The Truth About Facebook’s Fake Quest to Connect the World”, by Noam Cohen, it talks about how Facebook displayed displeasure about the internal message boards, for example Women @ Facebook, but didn’t say anything about senior vice president Joel Kaplan’s support for then former Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In the same article, a former Facebook manager said he realized that Facebook “wasn’t giving a voice to the voiceless but was helping to establish online the same inequalities that exist offline”. Social media can be a very mean place. Their is cyberbullying, which is horrible, and people can cyberbully other people, without the people knowing who is doing it to them. In the text,” Taking the You out of Yotube”, the big compaines, like Google and Yahoo, are buying social media platform, and messing up what people were using the socail media websites in the first place. Even though social media is bad for society, I would’t take social media put of people lives. Social media have some good things, like we can now watch telivision now on Netflix, Hulu, HBO and other subscriptions. We can find out sports scores, whenever we want too. Despite this, Social media is bad for society.
Jan 31