Group activity evaluation

  1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.

Part one of our activity was to listen to the song video killed the radio star and answer questions on how it related to Mcluhan’s theories. This was an attempt to demonstrate the classes’ understanding of The Medium is the Message.

Our second activity was to design a media device, this was to illustrate how media theory can be used in innovation.


  1. Did you think it was successful?


It was successful, there were many great ideas groups made such as the 3D hair printer. Each group identified connections to Mcluhan’s theory in their designs and displayed clear understanding of his theory.


  1. Did it achieve your implied goals?


Yes, the way Mcluhan presents the concepts of The Medium is the Message can seem dense, however students simplified it in their answers.


  1. What did you learn from the experience?


We learned that media theory can be presented to describe the chain of relations between objects and their messages. In addition we could see that media theory leads to creative design.


  1. How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?


We would take this project further as a research tool by giving activity participants physical objects to build a device and seeing what they come up with. In doing this we would see how people relate to different mediums and use them for creating a message.


  1. Great work on this project!

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