“When less information is available, we change our behavior and discover new subtleties in the information we have.” (Kasprzak, 7). Kasprzak has a point because when we cannot find what we are looking for, we try to create our own. Social software has influenced kids to become more creative. We have started to motivate each other to become creative. Ever since Instagram was created, you see more teens trying to become models, create youtube channels, film and music producers, artists, etc. While it was still happening before social software, we have had an increase.
Almost every teenager believes social software is private but it is not because anything can be copied or shared. In reality, although a page is public or private, when people go missing; it becomes a blessing. Many are able to track their last whereabouts through their page. One of the readings suggested that educators should try to relate and teach their students about social networking. I think in this day and age it is hard to relate to younger kids on social networks. Each person has a certain outlook for what they want their page to be. Some use it for personal reasons, some for entertainment, and some are looking to promote themselves or their brand. Whichever option it is, it is a way to motivate each other, become known, and network with people of your age group with similar likings. While still being somewhat complicated, it will not be easy to keep it public.
Overall, I believe social software is a blessing because it has brought us so much advancement in our society. We have a start to software that only brings more innovation. While there are millions of disadvantages and cons to the internet overall, it has made life much easier for us all. At the same time, it has changed how we think and how we act around each other. So the answer will vary depending on who you ask. Older generations will disagree, they will say their way was much more productive.