Media Theory By Jaritza Flores-Garcia

“The Medium is the Message”.  That was the quote author Marshall McLuhan said when he explained the aspects of our culture through the media, but why is it so important to how we consume digital media? When we talk about the medium, we were thinking about change in our society through communication that we can provide with text messaging, videos, and other forms so we could interact with each other. But according to McLuhan’s The Medium is the Message, “In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium—that is, of any extension of ourselves—result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology.” Let’s just say that the medium is defined as an agency of communication that for example, if we use social media on our devices more in our spare time, our communication skills would be increased because of our advanced interaction so we could be able to spend more with each other in both the real world and the digital world today.

McLuhan also said that the medium is like art because he studied some selections from William Shakespeare including Romeo and Juliet and Othello to explain the problem of human society and how can the medium affect human beings as well. But he also pointed out that the medium could make a person a total narcissist because of self-admiration to the media and the medium could be different forms of art especially Cubism.  IBM and General Electric are examples of how companies can sell their products to obtain profits from their customers when they buy their items at a low price.

We also noticed that when watching television at homes, we pointed out that some television programs are the most popular due to the fact that they broadcast more episodes in every season than the rest but other were considered to be longest running television shows because they have been around for years with milestone episodes airing on different channels every week and that is why Professor Wilbur Schramm ran some tests on the TV screen but ended up receiving zero reports.

In the end, the medium is very important to the media because we communicate ourselves through social media and other forms to make our interaction more precise and the message it delivers shows us that we are individuals who could make conversations with each other but if we are not careful with ourselves, we would be narcissistic because we lack others so we could have more focus on ourselves, not other individuals, otherwise, we would be fine with making more interactions through human communication for not just digital media but our human community in society as well.

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