Personally, I see a great change in reality television and the online profiles/characters people try to create for their benefit and understood that they can build a following for being outgoing and sometimes try to chase the shock factor of it all. The issue with today is that negativity sells and people will latch onto that if it means an opportunity to be casted into film/tv/modeling or whatever the entertainment world offers. In the article “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between” states that there are be different types of trends and content between short and long content but they are all serving a purpose in that T.V. will be delivered but just in a different way and the future will be able to tell it all. It states “Using data to determine which shows get produced, “Youʼll see all the main players adopt more data-driven models,” said Andersen. The viewers are in control, They want to watch whatever show, whenever they want, on whatever device they want. So you’ll start to see T.V. everywhere – on any device. On-demand T.V. – there will be more and more of this. What’s going to happen to traditional line-ups? The concept of channels goes away, when people just choose their shows. The navigation experience, “User interfaces will be more intuitive than your current remote control.” and that alone is self explanatory, TV is not only here to stay but is reaching an even wider audience with a specific taste. Reality TV also was something that was conjured up by a man named Josh Harris who created “We Live in Public” which was a volunteer based reality tv show made with a fully constructed basement where 100 people will come and live to be recorded 24/7, no matter what they did. Harris received footage that many people couldn’t even imagine and one Jan 1, 2000, the police ended the show but the fact of the matter is that Josh Harris was the first legitimate reality tv show and showcased how people will react to being place in makeshift environment with strangers then after his show was taken down, CBS produced the show “Big Brother” as a result. Which leads to the last point, I personally feel that reality television changed the way that we understand human connection because people don’t take anyone’s feelings into consideration anymore, there are way more heated moments than peaceful ones and people tend to think that no matter the instance that they’re right. Reality TV made people forget that they’re humans and shifted their focus on trying to be the center of attention.
Mar 14