The Internet of Things

To say that the connectivity of the world has been revolutionized by the internet is a vast understatement when you consider “the internet of things.” When I first began regularly using the internet as a child, I saw it as a way to chat with my friends and not have to read through books for access to information. I could not have imagined the type of information that would now be accessible just two decades later.

Connecting inanimate objects to the internet makes people able to acquire a wealth of data that would go unnoticed without this advancement in technology. For this reason alone I would say that “blogjects” and “spimes” are an immensely beneficial part of modern day living. If companies used blogjects to collect data that would make their products more ecologically friendly they could decrease their carbon footprint and possibly set a standard for how other goods are made or used.

In “Why Things Matter”, Bleeker states: “Blogjects aspire to relevance, and assert themselves because of new perspectives or additional insights they can offer on a semantically meaningful topics.” This is a particularly significant aspect to consider when thinking of the potential good that blogjects can do. There are areas of the world that we know little about or go overlooked but if we connected an object to the internet these objects could shed light on these areas and peak people’s interest. I imagine all sorts of scientific discoveries happening as a result of the use of this technology. The blogject can go where human beings cannot.

As with any new technology, there is always a fear of the technology becoming too powerful. There are questions of whether or not people will maintain the control of the objects, and I agree that is a realistic fear. However, I do not believe that people should let fear get in the way of technological advancements. We know that there is a chance of misuse of products intended for good. But is that not true of  any piece of technology. I mean, you could seriously injure someone with a butter-knife! As long as we steer our technology to make our lives easier it is definitely worth exploring more and more.

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