Television has changed our way of communication in several ways. Instead of rushing home to see a show at a certain time, we record it onto our DVR or just stream it online. Traditional ways have changed and we do not pay mind to most television shows unless we have access to them on demand. Teenagers are starting to work at young ages and go to school, making many more people busier during the day. Cable bills are high and numerous people are cutting this cost out of their budget. Netflix is about $20 or less a month, making it an economical expense.

The television industry is panicking because numbers are dropping tremendously quick. Shows are losing their viewers and ratings. Producers are saying it is going to get harder for both sides because it is hard to keep track of who is using what and what they want to watch. Consumers have to find different platforms to find different shows. Each platform has the ability to charge their own prices. It will be difficult for marketers to keep up with what is affordable and who is going to buy which platform. Some consumers own Netflix accounts yet still have a cable bill and some consumers own multiple streaming services with no cable. Humans are constantly looking for their wants to be satisfied. Nobody wants to wait around and run on someone else’s time. We want to see the shows we want when we have time.

People are changing and trends are changing. Marketers and businesses must keep up with it to ensure that our needs are met. Providing new seasons and episodes on our new form of television is important to us. Traditional television might have new content all the time but it is still scheduled at certain hours and include advertisements. We all hate ad’s even if they are personalized. Some apps continue to have ad’s because they provide funds. We tend to pay a few dollars more to avoid ads at all times. So producers have to think of an idea to provide us with lots of new content and without ads. We will soon have no television channels, just televisions with programs to stream from, such as firesticks.

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