Reality TV

Reality television is changing the way we interact with traditional television. Many individuals are questioning if they should even watch traditional cable or even have it all. We now have so many resources that there is no need for traditional television. Back then if you missed a show because you were not home at the time it was being aired it was kind of difficult to re-watch it. Now we do not have to be home at the time the television show is being aired we can stream it on our phones or online, it is really convenient. Platforms like Netflix,Hulu, and HBO Go allow us to watch all our favorite shows whenever we want. A big plus to these platforms is that we don’t have sit through large amounts of commercials. Netflix is commercial free and Hulu allows you to pay a small a extra fee to avoid having commercials. HBO Go allows you watch all you favorite movies, you don’t have buy dvd’s anymore. These platforms are also available at a affordable cost, Netflix and Hulu are both around the cost of $12.00 a month which gives you access too thousands of T.V shows and movies and you also don’t have to worry about commercials. Having these platforms are more affordable than paying for a cable bill which could cost over $100 monthly. In the article “The Messy, Confusing Future of TV? It’s Here” by Kevin Roose, explains how many people are canceling their cable and moving on to platforms like Netflix or Hulu. Overall I believe that traditional cable companies will continue to lose their viewers because of platforms like Hulu or Netflix, these platforms allow people the freedom to watch their shows where they want and when they want. I myself do not have cable I use platforms like Sling TV, which allows me to watch live TV at a lower cost and also Netflix and Hulu.

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