Social media has become a big game changer for much of our lives. It has become a new way of marketing. Just like businesses, politicians are marketing themselves online. Gathering crowds that can relate to them and allowing these viewers to see news and goals first. Instead of political campaigns through ads and speeches, they now have Instagram and Twitter. It allows to build a portfolio of what they believe in, go live and speak to their people in real time, etc.
Of course, social media is not always best for politicians. They have to be careful with what they post. One offensive post can lose thousands of followers who could be potential votes. Donald Trump is a great example of why politicians should stay off social media. Trump usually tends to go to social media to disrespect and bully other people. Instead of dealing with serious issues, he prefers to tweet them instead. This is embarrassing and will change politics because his online presence is large so he is encouraging this type of behavior.
I believe social media is necessary for the future for every career. It keeps one up to date and helps spread information and awareness. It just depends on how public figures use these large followings to benefit their work and benefit the rest of us. “— and hundreds of thousands of strangers defend him, spread his message and engage in emotional debates with his critics, all the while ensuring he remains the subject of a constant conversation.” (Barbaro). How do people defend Trump? Some voted for him due to things they saw on social media, which some were rumors, of course. Good or bad, many believed the lies or saw a future with Trump if they had similar views. Therefore, social media can hold both positive and negative forces over campaigns.