Throughout the years the use of social media in political campaigns has increased, before social media political candidates would interact with people by giving speeches on television and all over the United States. Political candidates used news networks and the press to promote their campaigns, they also used billboards and posters to promote. Now political candidates have access to all these social media outlets that allow them to promote their campaigns quickly. These days candidates use facebook, twitter, instagram and much more to promote their press conferences and campaigns. I believe in this aspect that social media has had a positive outcome in political campaigns. Social media allows these political candidates to market and promote their campaigns at any given time and moment, they do not have to rely on the press to spread the information about their campaign through television or newspapers. I believe that news travels faster through social media as opposed to traditional news sources, people are always on their phones.
Social Media could also have negative outcome during political campaigns and in politics in general. Politicians have to be mindful of the things they post because it can get them into serious trouble with the public. A perfect example of this would be our fellow president Donald Trump. Trump seems to have no filter when he is on twitter ranting, he is very offensive and does not hold back. In the article article, Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016 by Michael Barbaro, we learn about Trumps outrageous twitter habits and rants. Barbara states “Mr. Trump has mastered Twitter in a way no candidate for president ever has, unleashing and redefining its power as a tool of political promotion, distraction, score-settling and attack”. Which is absolutely correct Trump is the first president to ever use social media outlets in a negative aspect, he is constantly ranting and attacking someone. So in this case social media use can be negative for politicians.