Traditional news VS blogging.

Not only is blogging a professional job, but blogging is also necessary because it gets the word out quicker. Many students and the younger generation read blogs online more than they check the news. I usually find out about important events through social media. As an active Twitter user, I tend to get most of my news alerts from Twitter. Although I prefer reading online sources or receiving alerts; bloggers need traditional news to make their own work happen. Most news channels even have a blog to support their own company. “Of the top 50 blogs, 21 are owned by such familiar names as CNN, the New York Times, ABC, and AOL.” (Carlson).  Big media companies are turning to the internet to keep up with changing times.

Traditional news gets broadcasted on the majority of the mass media channels yet they do not always reach the younger generations. We tend to look at our phones more than we look at televisions. Now that blogging is a professional job it has less of a sketchy feel when one reads a blog post. Twitter is a great example because anyone can say anything they want online. It can be false news or a hacked account yet we trust Twitter more than anything. Brief messages that are retweeted into dozens of other user’s timelines. Tweets usually get the message across.

The old way of watching traditional news has yet to lose its place in our society. But, blogging is on a huge rise. People are making careers out of blogging and are enjoying finding ways to get their point across. Blogs vary now from tweets, video blogs “vlogs” on Youtube, Tumblr, etc. Soon enough cable is not going to exist anymore with such large media streaming services coming along. So traditional news will have to relocate to the internet and social media. Technically, the traditional news itself is becoming a blog over time. The only difference that blogs and news have are their primary sources. News outlets have more connections and can access places easier than the average blogger.

Overall, as of now, traditional news has the most up to date information and it is hard to duplicate. Until bloggers can get the same resources as the news, they will always be second to the traditional way.

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