Man, oh man…Social media has its moments where it can be the most powerful and useful tool in the palm of your hand or the most sneakily threatening aspect to your life. From social media placing ads on your phone after you’ve made a quick Google search on that product you looked at to allowing these apps to track our every moment to allow for you to have an interactive feature to display where you are. There are people how don’t use these platforms to merely connect with anymore, it’s usually always something greater. Social media was once a positive thing to have when it was first introduced to us on smartphones but now it appears that social media is doing more harm than good. I personally feel as if social media is making people more afraid to be within each other’s personal space to have a formal conversation. Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat are all used for more reconnecting with old friends and entertainment purposes there are many moments on these same platforms where individuals are bullied. People often feel less of themselves, begin digging into their insecurities to point where they make an entirely false identity to fit in, some lose their minds and some even commit suicide. That’s not at all either, Facebook is seen as an issue in politics as well. In the article “ Who Will Take Responsibility for Facebook? “, it says that Facebook admins took money from Russia intelligence to place their ads in particular positions within the website. These ads were used to ignite the flames of those in America who deal with racism, classism, views on the LGBTQ community and those who are choosing their side within the gun debate. This is an issue because if the people who are creating these platforms for us to express ourselves and so easily swayed. They managed to be persuaded by the Russian government during the 2016 election to help assist Donald Trump claim presidency over Hilary. The same tool that was created to interconnect people from all different cultures from all around the world is now the reason we’re being marginalized and manipulated. I love social media, but it’s doing more harm than good and that’s not even social media’s fault…it’s humans. But that’s another conversation for another time.
Feb 04
Good point, most people have a love/hate relationship with social media and we are mostly to blame for this since we are the users. Looking forward to your activity.