Today social media has taken a toll on our everyday lives such as instead of watching the news on a television screen we have access right through our fingertips, our smartphone. Social media has made a huge affection in our lives it even had an effect on the 2016 United States election. There was speculation that facebook had an influence on the election but Mark said it was crazy according to the article, “Who Will Take Responsibility”. To be later revealed that in the court-case that it was receiving payments from outside Russia to place ads on Facebook. Not only that but another article, “The Truth About Facebook’s Fake Quest To Connect to the World” was stating that instead of facebook giving voice to the voiceless it is only taking that away. This is more of a negative way that social media is affecting us as society, one tends to go on platforms such as Facebook to raise awareness only to be shut is not acceptable the same way google is doing with Youtube. “Taking the You Out of Tube” was going about how if google takes over youtube it will only cause chaos it will not be benefiting one but it will be benefiting companies to spread their ads through out the videos. Social media has its positivity but in situations like those have negative outcomes to society especially with what was going on with the election, it can be spreading hate, discrimination and hopeless. One should be able to have a voice on a social media platform without having to be restricted.
Jan 30